Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How many Nobel Prizes have been given for negotiating peace in the Middle East?

No Seriously.

Didn't Yassir Arafat get one back in 1970's... Who else got a Nobel Prize for Mideast Peace? Kissinger? Carter?

Let's stay out of it until someone finally wins that war. I don't even care who wins. I just want to see the world move on.|||2002

Jimmy Carter for his life-long work for peace, including in the Middle East.


Yassar Arafat, PLO leader

Simon Peres - Israeli Foreign Minister

Yitzak Rabin - Israeli P.M.


Sadat - Egyptian Pres.

Begin - Israeli P.M.

Kissinger won in 1973 for helping negotiate the Vietnam Peace Accord.

Yes, let's not help negotiate peace until everyone is either blind or dead. That seems like a good policy.|||If the world moves on, then what? I'm not saying that I want war, but the only thing that seems to unite people anymore is a common enemy. It's a scary prospect. We could maybe do it if we could offer them a common enemy, but I really don't want it to be us. I do sort of agree with you though.|||Too many. Let's face it the Middle East has been fighting since the time of Jesus. It's never going to change.

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