Saturday, November 19, 2011

What do you think are the reasons for which the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Barack Obama?

Barack Obama is the fourth President to win the Nobel Peace Prize behind Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Jimmy Carter. Tell with us why YOU think President Obama won this prestigious award.|||because he's BaLack 0bama|||Because he didn't ask for it.|||Who cares. They gave a catholic nun one too. That ruined any credibility they had long ago.|||He has a pulse...|||Probably because hes the most popular guy on earth.|||Because he represents a more peaceful direction for this country.|||He's liberal.

He's socialist.

He's soft in foreign policy issues.

He won't face up to tyrants.

He views himself as a global citizen--not just an American citizen.

He's just cool Barack.|||To guide him in foreign policy.|||They were hoping to trick him into shutting up. Oh yeah, and the whole committe was coked up.|||strengthening international ties|||People have decided Obama is a modern messiah. He's going to save the world. That's why he gets a Nobel.|||Because he's black.. And president of the United States.. He hasn't been there long enough to actually do anything.. His intentions are just those.. It doesn't mean anything he's saying will happen..

These people are contributing to racism.. People are seeing that if you are of a different race then you are handed everything.. That's not what Obama is standing for.. Is it?|||He stopped a new 'cold war' with Russia.

He started opening up the US to world politics again|||to further the european colonization of america|||The Nobel judges claim that it is for his "efforts" in bringing about peace. Of course, he was only judged for this prize during his first two weeks in office.

I think it is in his amazing ability to speak well. As a matter of fact, he speaks so well that this is about all that he does, in my opinion. Do not misunderstand me. I am adamantly not an "Obamaman". However, I want to answer your question with as little bias as possible.|||Since obama became the first black president, why not give him a Nobel Peace Prize. Obama supports war, big government, taxes, lies, all of which do not promote peace. How can you give the nobel peace prize to obama and not to Mahatma Gandhi.

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