Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Would you have had a different opinion of the prestige of the Nobel Prize if John McCain?

had been the recipient? Some believe the Nobel Prize awarded President Barack Obama is irrelevant. Let me be clear. If John McCain were now president of the United States, and he had been awarded a Nobel Prize for doing as creditable a job of not being George W. Bush as has Obama, the smiles on Republican faces could not be removed with a team of mules.|||No, but I'm not a Republican. I am that most feared spectre in "conservative" USA a liberal!.

I just answered 'cos I like your reference to a team of mules.

Could you contemplate Vice Nobel Palin?|||McCain would have deserved it about as much as Obama which equates to "NOT AT ALL". It's a friggin' Nobel Peace Prize, not a political trophy for crying out loud.|||I think the award indeed does show a deep hatred, and disrespect that the world has for Bush.|||I would have asked why? He's not really done anything to warrant it either. There have been hundreds of thousand POW's. George Bush liberated 50 million people. I think that is worth recognition. Obama wants to enslave over 300 million.|||No, I would have said he didn't deserve it either, if the only thing they were basing it on was speeches. There were some very deserving candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize. A president who had only been in office for two weeks and the only thing he had done to reach out to Muslims was to say he was closing Gitmo doesn't deserve the prize. It would be the same if McCain had been president and done the same thing.

The difference between me and you on this is that I don't see everything as partisan.|||My answer would still be probably the exact same thing that came out of Obama's mouth when he woke up and was told, Sir, you won the Nobel Peace Prize. FOR WHAT?|||You do realize that Obama is pressing full steam ahead with the military expansion and empire building that Bush Jr. continued from Clinton who continued it from Bush Sr., right?

None of these rascals deserves a "peace" prize.|||No I think the prize should be given to someone that actually accomplished something in the way of making the world a safer freer place.|||Not true. The Nobel Peace Prize should be given to extraordinary people. McCain, to me, doesn't fit the bill either. You shouldn't be so presumptive.|||No, for the same reason. What did he do to deserve it?

The "submissions" have to be made by mid Feb, by that time from 20Jan to mid Feb...what would McCain have done to deserve it?

I am a life long republican and conservative. So I guess the smiles thing that you said goes out the window.|||There's no point in even asking this question because there's no way on earth that even a moderate like McCain would get it. Look at the recipients: Carter, Dole, Arafat, Obama...all radical leftists, some actually terrorists. The award has nothing to do with peace, it is strictly about lauding the most leftist 'leader' that Oslo can find.|||Nope, after Arafat, Gore and Carter, Obama's win is nothing but more of the same.|||Um, I would have been happier if the other nominees had received the award. It would have restored my faith in the Nobel Peace Prize.

They normally give it to racist, liberal douchebags, though, so it really doesn't matter to me. The last two people who actually deserved it were MLK and Mother Theresa.

Here is one example of the people Obama beat to get that stupid thing:

Sima Samar, women’s rights activist in Afghanistan: “With dogged persistence and at great personal risk, she kept her schools and clinics open in Afghanistan even during the most repressive days of the Taliban regime, whose laws prohibited the education of girls past the age of eight. When the Taliban fell, Samar returned to Kabul and accepted the post of Minister for Women’s Affairs.”

Sima Samar certainly seems more deserving of it than a warmongering tax and spend liberal politician.|||Obama got it because he has agreed to Destroy America.

Click here to see…|||The Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded to a person who works to advance the peace process. It should not be given to someone because he is not George W. Bush. If John McCain had been given the award I would still feel that it was given prematurely.|||I suppose you could come up with a list of lifetime achievements that McCain did to promote peace but it would really be trumped up.

Obama got this for being 'not Bush'. Carter got one for opposing Bush, heck the IAEA got one. How exactly did they do it, by opposing Bush. so if you are generally in favor of not starting a war in the middle east then you too can get a Nobel Peace Prize.

If Obama starts a war with Iran then I bet McCain could get the Peace Prize for opposing it.|||You do not know how wrong you are about Republicans, at least Conservative ones. If McCain won and received the Nobel Prize, it really would only reinforce the undeniable truth that McCain was the least desirable of all the candidates running for the Republican nomination.

We do not hold the Nobel Prize in any particular esteem. We have seen it awarded to plenty of undesirable people over the the last several decades.

I also have to laugh at the concept that Obama is not Bush. I have news for you. Obama is Bush on steroids.

*|||With the awarding of the NPP to Obama, it became nothing more than a politically motivated joke. It would have pretty much the same if McCain had received it, but in that same respect, I think McCains efforts in immigration reform as well as other legislation he has initiated or sponsored warrant it more than the 11 days of Obamas presidency did.|||There is no more prestige in the Nobel Peace Prize. It is political plain and simple. As you say the award was given to Obama for simply not being Bush. This has nothing to do with working toward real peace in the world. The award has been a joke since Yassar Arafat won it.

If McCain won it two weeks into his term, my opinion would be the the same. However, I am sure you and other libs opinions would be totally different.|||Homegirl, you must come outdoors and smell some fresh air:

McCain was a war hero serving many years as a POW so that people like us could SAFELY chit-chat over the Internet.

For that he would have been awarded the Nobel Prize for War Crimes.

Which left-wing numb-nuts would have loudly cheered, as THEY TOO sat safely at home because of people like McCain.|||No, I would not. The Nobel remains the premiere recognition of peaceful impact upon the world. It's still as valid as it was when Alfred Nobel established the prize.|||the nobel prize was started by one of the founders of a company in europe that made and sold dynamite and nitroglycrin for military purposes. it was and is a payment of that persons guilty concsciense to ease their guilt over what they did for money. it matters not as long as the trust gives out money they feel better about themselves so giving it to a flaming liberal always works. most of the libs programs and barracks election are guilt based any way.|||McCain deserves it more.

But, NO! I wood'nt have cared if he won it or not!!

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