Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why doe's every body says Barack Obama is the fourth president to win the nobel peace prize?

Jimmy Carter won the nobel peace prize as a Citizen not a president.|||in the end who cares? it is just a phony award from the man who invented

dynamite~~that Nobel ~his product blew up a lot of people in war and peace~hey lets give Obama the Nobel~~he is doing the same thing~|||Four Presidents and a host of other politicians...

1906 - Theodore Roosevelt - President

1912 - Elihu Root - former Secretary of State

1919 - Thomas Woodrow Wilson - President

1925 - Charles Gates Dawes - Vice-President

1929 - Frank Billings Kellogg - Former Secretary of State

1934 - Arthur Henderson - former Foreign Secretary

1945 - Cordell Hull - former Secretary of State

1953 - George Catlett Marshall - former Secretary of State and former Secretary of Defense

1973 - Henry A. Kissinger - former Secretary of State

2002 - Jimmy Carter Jr. - President

2007 - Al Gore Jr. - former Vice-President

2009 - Barak Obama - President|||Jimmy Carter still is and always will be one of the men who served as president.|||You are always referred to as President even after you leave office.|||Because it's true. %26gt;0|||It is abosolutely ludicrous!

Just think,how many wars were stir up by USA. in the past 60 years?And how many people died in these wars?How many military bases are there in the world outside America's territory?

Why terrorists attack America first? Why don't these terrorists attack Cuba,Iraq,China,Russia???

It is because USA. always interfere other country's internal affairs,and piss them off !!!

The president of US. has no qualifications to win the nobel peace prize!

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