Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is the deal with Al Gore and his Nobel Prize?

And how in the heck did he get away with winning the Nobel Prize?

Guy is a bozo and knows nothing about science!

He picked and chose the data that he wanted to sway the public.

Totally amazing.|||It's a perfect example of why the Nobel Prize has lost so much of it's provenance. The prizes have become politicized, and the Nobel committee has simply become a vehicle for pushing a liberal agenda.

How else could Barack Obama have won the Nobel peace prize? The prize committee awarded him the prize for his efforts to bring peace to the world as president, yet they actually took their vote

4 months before he ever took office!

Al Gore is no scientist, but he does know how to use the media and use people to get what he wants. The Nobel people just figured they would get more attention for their causes if they rode his coat tails.

It is an insult to real, hard working scientists.

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