Saturday, November 19, 2011

So what exactly did Obama do to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?

The previous recipients of the Nobel Prize received it for their life's work, dedication to their passions, and the contributions they made to society. So tell me what life's work and "spectacular" contributions Obama has made to society besides ***-kiss and sweet talk his way to the presidency? Seriously, what the hell?|||One theory is that Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize as a slap in Bush's face. Whatever lame reason, or scam, behind the committee choosing Obama, they've made a fool out of the U.S. President %26amp; themselves as well %26amp; also degraded the value of this award. Obama hasn't physically accomplished one thing worth winning this prize %26amp; the committee claims their choice was based on Obama's promises to do the right thing for the United States of America (our Home of the brave, Home of the free). In his attempt to appear worthy, Obama said he would donate the $1.4 million prize money to charity so the most charitable thing he can do with that money is to pay back some of the American debt he helped create. Charity begins at Home.

Granted, Bush ended up so despised that he didn't stand a chance for the Peace Prize, yet he did actually acomplished a few positive things.

"Because of Bush, Saddam鈥檚 regime no longer inflicts torture on Iraqis by having electric prods attached to their genitals or by giving them acid baths. It no longer drills holes in their ankles and skulls. It no longer leaves them naked in refrigerators for days. It no longer cuts out their tongues and cuts off their ears. Nor does it force Iraqi men to watch gang rapes of their wives and sisters. Because of Bush, Afghan women can now attend school. They are free to go out in public without being accompanied by a man. They are allowed to hold jobs.

Moreover, because of the $15 billion Bush sent to combat AIDS, deaths in Africa are down dramatically. For that reason, despite claims that America鈥檚 moral standing in the world has eroded, Bush鈥檚 approval rating in African countries has stood at 80 percent or higher".|||President Barack Obama was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." Obama has "created a new climate in international politics,", referencing Obama's efforts to reduce the world's nuclear stockpiles. I think this is also a strong repudiation of the Bush presidency, a tip of the hat for preventing a bombing of the Iranian nuclear facilities, and his stopping the Bush plan to put missile batteries in Poland and the Czech Republic.|||It is even further confusing that they voted on this 12 days into his Presidency. Research just what he had done within those 12 days. Unimaginable that they would award this "prize" to Obama. Unbelievable. WHY may I ask did Obama accept this "prize"??? He could have turned it down and then just maybe they would have awarded such a "prize" to a deserving individual. My opinion, but no I see zero achievements this man has done for so called peace in the World.|||As far as I see it Obama has done nothing of consequence since january. He is a hugh disappointment and for all who think he is doing a bang up job, I ask where? He has not turned the Bush blunder around in fact he has embraced much of what he was supposed to turn back, he has not gotten us out of Iraq and gotten us deeper into Afghanistan! He has increased the deficit not reduced it ,he bailed out private industry, fired a CEO can you believe it,and left the little guy hanging. His health care option is a disaster and it reads like a government run HMO and we all know HMO'S only want well patients, get sick your on your own. We were screwed by Bush and the USA is in peril under Obama, the founding fathers never imagined this! He is too vague he never tells the nation the real story. He is sexist and racist he is not the man he wants you to believe he is. He wants to unite the nation. yeah where have we heard that before; and by the way I am a democrat and I am ashamed of the first family what a joke! If this is the best the democrats can do I'll become an independent.The Nobel peace prize has been awarded for nothing and it lessens the meaning of the award what a shame, what a sham! He has done nothing! Obama, huh what is he good for, absolutely nothing, say it again! He got an award for good intentions and we know where that leads us now don't we. Want a sick joke.|||He hasn't done a d**n thing!

This is the same man who went on a "I Hate America" tour, and has already broken most of his promises. He wasted all of our money to rig up a bulletproof car, and then he walks down the f***in street! Him and his ugly wife, hate all white people, and it wouldn't suprise me if his whole presidency was to bring the white man down. The Nobel Peace Prize has now lost all integrity.|||not a phucking thing. not a phucking thing. and all the **ggers and hollywood trash will think it's the greatest thing since toilet paper. carter didn't deserve it and neither did that liberal piece of trash gore. but as usual, all the liberals, mindless phucking libs will pull some kind of illogical reason out of their @ssholes and of course, tell us that bush didn't get one.|||He got it for being the first black U.S. president, nothing more, nothing less.

Edit: Thumb down all you like but the fact is nominations closed after he'd been in office for 12 days. What had he done in that time except move into the white house and buy his kids a dog?|||This will be broadcast ad nauseam for the next several weeks.

But it's not really of much consequence. If it influences anything, it will be the credibility of the prize itself, nothing more.|||obama has tried to restore the USA's reputation around the world and re-establish alliances with are former allies, which were destroyed by warmongering chickenhawks bush %26amp; cheney.|||Obama turned the really truly dangerous and incredibly stupid Bush policies around... I don't think the dim right wingers know just how bad things were internationally....|||I vote for this as best answer:鈥?/a>

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