Saturday, November 19, 2011

What do you think are the reasons for which the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Barack Obama?

Barack Obama is the fourth President to win the Nobel Peace Prize behind Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Jimmy Carter. Tell with us why YOU think President Obama won this prestigious award.|||I think that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize because he has given hope, real tangible hope, to his fellow Americans and to the entire world in an age when everyone is feeling uncertain and, on some level, scared about the future. We don't know how or when these wars will end, we're struggling through a global economic crisis, and those are only the two biggest issues at hand. Obama has a lot on his plate, but I believe that he is the ideal type of person to be leading the free world confidently and inspiringly farther into the 21st Century. He will get America back on its feet eventually and as he does so, inspire the rest of us around the globe to believe in the USA again and build a better world with them. I don't care if some people think that it is a naive way of thinking. Our world has turned into such a disgusting pit of cynicism, it's time for us to once again begin believing in the good that is always possible.|||You're welcome Michelle

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|||As expected the politically correct answer is chosen.

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|||Bara Bara's right. Maybe now IrishEye should wipe the s**t off her nose

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|||"he is the ideal type of person to be leading the free world confidently and inspiringly farther into the 21st Century"

This is exactly the kind of smug superior attitude that makes the US so unpopular with other nations.

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|||because he is gay DUUUUH %26gt;%26lt;

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|||The person who wrote that answer must be 17, and spent the majority of her life drawing pretty pictures of her dreams. It is certainly not based upon reality.

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|||I just went and read every single answer she has given. SHE'S A 20 YEAR OLD CANADIAN! Isn't yahoo proud of itself now?!

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|||blondehairboy needs to shut the hell up and think like a real American.

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|||I generally post and answer in the Y! Sports section, and I thought there were some bass ackwards thinkers in there, but most of the Answers and comments I saw to this question take the cake! America the Beutiful? Congrats IrishEyes!

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|||Hmm, I disagree with the one chosen, Obviously a Politically correct answer, The one chosen cannot possibly Understand all the issues at her young age, But that does not seem to matter now huh ? To Me, The Noble Prize has been Cheapened,and my respect for it has gone.

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|||Is your respect for it more or less now than it was after Arafat won it?

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|||How come I lost 10 points for answering this question?

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|||Bara Bara II, you said it all!


IF you believe your own words, why are you so unwilling to hold your breath until your god unites this country? BO may "inspire" his crack head followers, but that's all! BO is proof how Hitler got into power.

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|||I am late to answer this question, However the Nobel prize is awarded to Mr.Obama, congtaulations sir.

It is the politics of America to gain the favor of people one side and killing terrorists they commit genocide of innocent Middle-East citizens. Wakeup, but you all do not know what the truth is

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|||I am late to answer this question as well. :[ But the reason I think he got the nobel peace prize is for saying things, not doing things. He hasnt really done anything. Sure he's said stuff, but how do we know hes not lieing? For example, He said he would send the troops home. Lie :[ Thanx Obama :[

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|||So YA picks what the thought to begin with even though YA answer community thinks differently. Typical of the media trying to push their own agenda rather than listening to what the PEOPLE say.

YA is as out of touch with the public as all of the other media.

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|||The best-a answer is WRONG-A!

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|||he is just like every other president sides washington, saying wat we think will make us happy bs that we all think we want to hear

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|||I agree with the second comment too.

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|||Of course the democrat gets best answer...

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|||yeah, political correct answer for an question based on injustice. yeah the npp is rigged. but american bias aside, obama has more of a right to the title then arafat did.

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|||I reported this question to point out a bit of Y!A hypocrisy. The Nobel Prize committee has given their reasons. To question the decision has become a partisan fight. Now that Y!A staff have stirred up debate, it behooves them to reduce censorship of loaded/inflammatory Qs. PS I agree w/best answer

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|||This all proves one thing: the Y!A staff is obviously "Pro-Obama".

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|||yahoo answers actually like obama lets see how you will like him in the next 3 years

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|||As always, the answer in support of the democrats gets picked. Obama was in office for 11 days before nominations were closed. 11 days. What did he do before that? Nothing.

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|||i love all of these comments... heehee. seriously, he didnt deserve it. way to choose the answer you support, yahoo.. -.- lol

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|||not surprising. Yahoo, much like the bulk of american media, is afraid to step on any toes... so they go with the PC answer. Bottom line is that the nobel prize is generally given to some leftist naive free thinker... not someone who actually ACHIEVES anything.He won this the same way he was elected

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|||I agree Jcl. She says the country is "Scared and confused". She thinks that because Obama is telling us that we feel that way. She only knows what she sees on Tv.

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|||Wow...jealous much? LOL! What a pathetic bunch. Sounds like you're all pretty miserable. That's too bad...

To W: Mine was far from being the only Pro-Obama answer. How many pages did you look at? One?! Over 7000 answers and you think mine was the only one in favour of Obama?? 0_o

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|||And thank you to the Yahoo Answers Team for choosing my answer! :-)

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|||I am proud to have answered this question.

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|||so he got it because you THINK that he will bring america back to the top not becasue he HAS... and he ahs given hope? BY WHAT his WORDS during his campaign... his words which he has yet to follow up with actions. Damn if only I could get credit for actually doing all the things I said I would do...

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|||W what you said is interesting. And to add that Obama did (i believe) 6 things that Hitler did when the Third-Reich was in power and taking over the car industry which violates the private sector %26amp; Constitution is a great example. Maybe 10 years from now we'll be sent to death camps.IrishEye=dullard

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|||Irish Eyes - Stop trying to be accepted. Barack Obama doesn't give hope, he doesn't even preach hope, his telepromter does. Barack Obama stands there like a sock puppet and sputters out anything that the communist jews put up on the screen.

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|||This question was staged just like the Kayne West scandal at the MTV Awards which they used to make the President look less racist.

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|||Barack Obama has fascist control over the media; Blacks in every TV commercial, blacks on feminist TV shows, black meteorologists on the news (wonder how long it took them to find those), blacks people eating canned soup, blacks at Taco Bell, blacks singing about fast food like it's sex.

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|||The media is the only thing he does control, that's what he was given in exchange for his cooperation, he's using the media to preach socialist ideals to American children. Not only does this violate the constitution but it's also extremely dangerous. Consider yourselves warned.

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|||Always some imature uneducated anwerer favoring Obama, these people need to read something besides Obama's cheat notes

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|||y cant normal people get the best answer?

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|||that answer was only chosen as best because the staff likes obama

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|||Wtf is with Yahoo Answers??? It seems like they side with the media %26amp; not even care about the people one bit :(. Next thing you know they'll ask on how to properly worship the statue of Johann Adam Weishaupt. You Yahoo Answers Staff make me sick!!!!! %26gt;8[

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|||You asked a question, I answered it with facts. Yet you chose a reply based on opinions, optimism and unproven bias as your best answer. If you're going to ask such a loaded question be prepared to accept the truly best answer, not the one that sounds the best. Again, an improper nomination, lol!

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|||i think that youre a retarded democrat thats what america is being run by now!who are just ridiculously stupid!im sorry but you have no common sense whatsoever.and like i said people shouldnt get an A+ for trying and people make me sick!

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|||I think that optimism is the only way to give a chance to sustained existence on this planet. I also think often about what would need to change %26amp; honestly, the resounding voice I hear is get rid of TV %26amp; news channels. Life is simple, making it so is left to our imagination, and reading builds hope.

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|||I can see that Yahoo Answers is picking the politically correct, optimistic answer. And I do agree the staff needs to pick some political answers to their questions that give facts as well as opinions, at least once in a while. But please, some people are being ridiculously biased on here.

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|||But seriously, stop criticizing the answer chosen, or Democrats, or Obama. We ARE ALL AMERICANS. No matter which side of the political party wins in the election, we will do our best and give the president our full support, even if we do not like him, or his policies, or beliefs.

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|||7,000 answers and this is the one you chose? This just goes to show that those who are in charge of Yahoo! are just as liberal and biased as our President. The answers that were in opposition of Obama getting the award received an overwhelming number of thumbs up!

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|||Any number of the people, esp. those top contributors who wrote -essays- in their comments on this question could have gotten best answer...because they used COMMON SENSE and educated themselves on the world issues.

THINK. Don't just take in what the media feeds you. Read all available information!

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|||THIS was best answer? Pleeeeease. Well, the Y!A Community got it right (see thumbs' down)

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|||The Yamster denies the obvious, again, in favor of political correctness. What's the matter? You missing your beloved ACORNs?

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|||It's astounding to me how negative all you commentors are, like BaraBara. You ppl talk like the Best Ans was pol correct. I don't see a whole lot of substance in your arguments or comments. You aren't exactly backing your words up. Maybe he didn't deserve it, but Obama has made some good strides.

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|||Maybe my answer here wasn't the best, but I backed my support of Obama with facts. All you ppl do is throw accusations around, Obama is this Obama is that. So negative, and prejudiced too. Lets talk facts, stop speculating.

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|||You guys suckle on the whore teet of propaganda.. WAR is the opposite of PEACE you can not send your troops to war in another country and be conisdered an ambassador of peace. This isn't opinion it's fundamental definition of langauge.. Maybe you can argue the war is justified... but it's still war!

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|||White Lotus the people are telling the truth. Weather you like it or not this president does not care for you 1 bit. If you need to desperately cling to this world hater of a president you'll learn the hard way %26amp; he'll cast you like a branch to a fire. Do some in-depth searching.

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|||Oh and 1 more thing. How about you stop having this racial white guilt bs. Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Thurgood Marshall are just a few of the African-American politicians that can do a hell of a better job than this fool with big ears. And Mike how can there be peace w/o war %26amp; vice-versa?

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|||Over 7,000 answers and a Canadian wins, just showing once again that he is loved more by foreigners than Americans!!! Again I will point out what about the other 204 nominees that have actually accomplished something...not just words and promises!

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|||read "DukeofDixie" answer, it says all about Obama promoting peace:…

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|||What a farce. Ask a question to promote a political position, then choose an answer that supports your pre-determined position, even though the "chosen" answer has many more thumbs down than up.

"Staff" lost my respect on this one. Clearly the consensus is that Obama did not deserve it (yet).

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|||Lol what a joke winner..

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|||If we think it sounds naive? it is naive :P obama has done nothing at all so far.. given hope? uhhm how?

still that answer obviously took her ages to write so, well done!

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|||It doesn't take a genius to know that Yahoo was only going to give best answer to someone who drinks his koolaid like they do. BO is proof how Hitler got into power.

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|||I just lost what little respect I had for the Yahoo answers team. That excuse for a best answer sucks pond water.

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|||HAHA! I love how ignorant IrishEye is.

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|||Y!A deleted my answer and it didn't violate any community guidelines.

I appealed with a few choice words and they had their mind made up.

Let's 'change' history, shall we, just like all the previous dictators?

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|||What a B.S. answer. Obama is NOT ending any wars! He's dramatically increasing U.S. troop presence in the Middle East! When will America finally realize that the two parties are one and the same...

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|||Of course that answer is choosen, does no one see what what is happening to this country.

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|||This is an excellent answer and I am glad it got chosen. All the commentors can moan and groan about it, but it's because their answer was not chosen. I think that she obviously knows her politics. Congrats on winning the answer.

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|||Do you really think the people commenting are groaning because their answer wasn't chosen? It's just a few points. Please. They are saying that the answer wasn't backed up at all, only with feelings, and that Barack Obama apparently hasn't done any significant action YET (I'm not saying he won't)

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||| prove he was given the Nobel Peace Prize.

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|||The yahoo answers TEAM is liberal what do you expect

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|||No it wasn't a "politically correct" answer, it was just another slap in the face.

But it was the expected answer chosen.

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|||THIS WAS BEST ANSWER? Talk about Yahoo bias. The community should have voted, based on thumbs up and down, that is the correct popular answer. The only part that "scares me" is that the Socialists are creating bigger problems for the future. I "Hope" that "CHANGES."

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|||One might want to take a look at this "best answer's" post history. This girl is from Ontario, CANADA, and discusses hand-jobs when she was 16. READ her post history. WTF does she know about U.S. politics?

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|||Obviously nothing.

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|||254 BullSh%t.

118 Suckups.

Hummm? Bias? Not YAT, never.

Why don't you change your team name to Yahoo Obama Team?

At least that's honest.

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|||If a speech can lead to the award, why haven't any of the beauty pageant contestants gotten it before. All their speeches tend to include the desire for world peace. At this time, Obama does not deserve the NPP. Who knows in the future, maybe these speeches will turn to action, maybe not.

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|||He's Muslim. Do you know what they say about Muslims?

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|||Well, we know now that YA is not neutral, but supports the political left.

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|||Yahoo has clearly made a bold move questioning the "Neutrality" of this entire Yahoo Answers board. Clearly the "chosen one" (best answer) did not represent the majority of views by Yahoo Answerers. (con't)

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|||It appears that the "best" answer does not even live in America. This is just another example of how the Socialist need no support for their views. This isn't cynicism, it is awareness. And awareness is what the Left does not want you have. Ignorance is bliss is the change you have asked for.

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|||bc everyone was so amazed after 8 years of hearing a babbling buffoon talk that a president could actually be more than a daddy part 2, have a brain of their own, and make a coherent sentence w/o making American's (esp texans) look like ignorant hicks which i resent bc im from texas.

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|||I agree guys! This really is something else! Where has this once great country gone!?

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|||"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes...But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government..." Declaration of Indep.

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|||;; нєαятz ;;, how far did you bury your face up BO's butt?

You should read "saberfre…" answer below yours.


All BO is doing is trying to buy everyone vote for the next election. I'm sure he got you for free.

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|||OK, Over 7000 answers... Average a minute to read each answer,Probably more with some of these book report reply's. That's at least 5 Days of reading 24 hours a day for one person! You really think yahoo puts that kind of time into choosing the best answer for just one question? No way.

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|||295 thumbs down wins BA. What a joke! Yahoo's Liberal biased web site is shining again!

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You are right and I wouldn't either. But still, it comes as no surprise that Yahoo would who they did.

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|||IrishEyes, you are a freaking IDIOT ! ! ! Obama stands for:






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|||For that matter no Pres should win any Nobel Prize as they can use their positions to propagate their own agenda. They got the best stage and platform. . And who would dare to question them!!! Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded to real deserving people with easily perceived accomplishments.

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|||I agree with Sara. He hasn't accomplished anything. It's just all talk. Too soon to assess. There never was a US Pres with so much exposure to the media. I don't know what's the big hoopla is about? We need to see results not just by popularity vote. Guess politically correct answer.wins

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|||Obama took 2 days (slow) to respond to my governor, Sonny Perdue, about the recent flooding here in Georgia. Perdue is requesting approximately 16.4 million while the flood damage here itself caused over 250 million dollars worth of damage. In my opinion, Obama should not deserve such a reward!

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|||I have lost respect for Yahoo for choosing an answer that was NOT what the majority of the answers said! Pathetic.

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|||Not only is this answer terrible (and wrong), but this person is from Canada. Why would you select a Canadian, someone who doesn't even live in this country and, obviously, has no clue what is really occurring in it?

I shake my head in disappointment at the sight of this.

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|||Of course, with all the media behind this man and his huge flaws, the dumbest answer was selected as the best answer. Who the hell decided it was the best answer when it has over 300 people voting against it??? Yahoo is as biased as the media. I have now lost respect for this site.

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|||Hi Mom!

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|||Lousy best answer!!! What hope? Obama is screwing with the economy. While campaining he says he won't increase the taxes. Now he wants to do away with the Bush administration's tax cuts. Plus his great health care plan will generate the highest tax we will ever see.

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|||His intention is to take it from the working class and "redistribute the wealth to the non-working and downtrodden Americans. Is this fairness or justice? Is this what this country was built on?

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|||whoo 2 more comments left

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|||NOW ITS LAST and congrat on BA, and i seen better answers but anyway GOTTA BLASST

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|||There were many very worthy contenders for this prestigious award but, who has heard of them? Not many. I believe Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because he brings the plight of the world into the limelight. There are many people who receive worldwide recognition for their athleticism or their hit pop song but, few who are lauded for their political prowess. Obama may not have achieved peace but, he has brought it to everyones attention and has inspired many to educate themselves and act accordingly. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and Obama has inspired the world to take their first steps towards peace and equality for all.|||Partly because of his efforts and the other part politics. EVERYTHING is Politics.

In reference to nuclear weapons, Obama persuaded the people of the most powerful nation in the world to chose him and his vision of strength through diplomacy.

This illustrious Nobel Peace Prize does not always award acheivements alone, but also recipients' efforts. It recognizes people trying beyond their call to get the world on a more peaceful path.|||In a teenagers perspective and from the limited information I've heard:

I don't think he deserved it. I love President Barack Obama--if I could have I would have voted for him.

But, as I've been told, he was awarded the prize for his "ambition."

The nobel peace prize shouldn't be awarded for ambition. It should be awarded for achievements.

Also, considering he's been in office for like fifteen mintues--I wish they waited until the end of his term. Or at least one or two years into it--just enough time so that he could have actually DONE a lot of things to truly earn this award.

There are people all over the world DOING things each and everyday, and although Obama is the "first black president" he shouldn't be treated speacial because of his color. It is a great thing that he is president, but there is no reason for an award because of that. (if those rumors are true)

Also, I think Obama was really smart in saying that he wanted to reject it. He's facing a delima because people say its an offense to reject a Nobel Prize--but in this case I think he should.

:-) Haters need not apply!|||1. A slow year for nominees.

#2. George Bush was widely hated by Europeans because he was seen as a "cowboy", arrogant, and they were mad about the Iraq war. Obama was seen as a complete about-face so they were thrilled he won. His speeches were seen as heralding a less-arrogant USA.

#3 When the University of Texas band passed by President Bush in a parade, he saluted them with the UT "hook 'em horns" sign with his fingers, which is an offensive gesture to Norwegians; it is associated with Satanism. The photo was widely circulated in Norway and drew much concern.

#4. Norway is an insular culture due to its geography and weather and most of what they know about the USA comes through the media, who reinforced the impressions in #2.

There are no other reasons and none of the above justifies what the Nobel Prize is supposed to signify. Pope John Paul II, who helped dismantle communism and freed millions of people from oppression without firing a shot, never won even though he was nominated many times.|||I agree that there aren't many concrete steps accomplished, but closing Guantanamo was a biggie what with the torture and abuse situations. When America does things that support human rights, others will follow (same with the pre-emptive strike scenario...), so I do think promises, rhetoric, etc go along way in this case- though he has made first steps in those directions; it isn't all talk. Especially since Bush tended to ignore human rights- the contrast is monumental. Also , Obama jumped into the Middle East conflict early on, unlike many presidents. All in all I think he deserved it due to the things that have happened and the tone he set in response.

For the science and literature prizes, there are concrete works. For the peace one, it is more subjective, true, and hence will be subjected to more criticism. Even if he had a photo op and agreement signed like Carter, that often doesn't amount to much in the world of foreign affairs and peace, as we can see. But it is the hope, intent and effort for which recognition like this is bestowed. Given the track Bush put us and the world (false and rash accusations, preemptive strikes, torture, human rights abuses) on and the one Obama is trying to put us on- diplomacy, some degree of respect for human rights, important first steps in the neglected issues of nonproliferation and Middle East peace, made an important move with settlements in questioning if what's best for Israel is always best for us and all others.

The Nobel Peace Prize is well deserved in Obama's case.|||The original concept for the Nobel Peace Prize was to foster understanding and cooperation as well as peace among nations. Through laws, treaties etc. The nomination committee is composed of actual peers who deal with administration and the law, International Courts, legislative and Administrative leaders who have credentials.

Obama has taken strong and positive steps toward achieving these general world goals.

He has reshaped the International debate by visiting more countries than any other President. Committed and come a long way in the process to closing Guantanamo and prohibiting torture.

The idea that he should turn down the award is a slap in the face to both the international community and the American People.

No one who has won the award has established peace and many have only worked in one Country. Obama seems to have the energy and capability to do more in his short lifetime than some do in a much longer time.

The Award was really for the American People for electing someone who is not going to be perfect but can inspire peace, that is what most of the previous winners did as well.

Also Peace and the political process that take a very long time, it is not like ordering a McDonald's hamburger.

I think the Committee seriously considered everything and is far more knowledgeable than most of us about what can be done, how long it takes and who should receive the prize.|||He won it because:

1. The Nobel committee has no concern whatsoever for actual results

2. He's an American President who blames America first. The "world loves" that

3. He's the first black President.

4. He's openly Socialist

5. He blames Israel for for the actions of its enemies. Think Yasser Arafat.

The Nobel Committee actually says that it awarded him the prize because he has kowtowed to the Muslim world and committed to reducing America's ability to protect itself. Apparently that creates "less tension" in the world.

In that case, I nominate John Leonesio, CEO and founder of Massage Envy.|||The Norwegian Nobel committee is comprised of 5 norwegians, 3 of whom are known to be very liberal. The other two are centrists but 3 out of 5 carries the day.

The committee has, for a long time, made its own political views known by supporting nominees who share their leftist beliefs or those whom they think will be friendly to Norway.

The Peace prize is the only Nobel prize which has little to do with the virtues and actions of the nominees or the winner.

This year the committee sought to support Obama because of his promises rather than his actions.

The actions of the committee have made the award meaningless to anyone but the winner who gets $1,000,000 or more.|||I think the Nobel committee has a history in recent years of awarding the prize based on promise, or to make a political statement. When Jimmy Carter won the award in 2002, the chairman of the committee said that should serve as a "kick in the leg" to then President Bush.

However, in those past cases, the Nobel has been given at least partly based on work that had been completed. In this case, given the February 1 nominating deadline, it has to have been given on promise. At that point, the only things Obama had done were to make promises to pull the troops out of Iraq, and to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility.

With these things in mind, I think it's fair to say that the Nobel committee thinks that Obama's rhetoric and promises are sufficient to fulfill Nobel's wishes of a reduction in standing armies and creation of peace congresses.|||He shouldn't win!

The presidency of Obama lowers the status of Afro-Americans, all what he does contribute to the development of the USA, I mean he made a lot of policies to benefit the rich to keep the economic going on, so he cannot be praised Nobel Price. I'd like to say that Roosevelt also does not deserve it, during the great depression, he made policies to give money for the poor for public construction, then they have money, the given money was less than the value of the stuctures, the rest is given to the government and the capitalists.Thus the poor made capital for the rich, all of this cannot change the relationship between the poor and the rich. In the same case, Obama does not make anything good, he doesn't deserve it. I am happy that I live in the People's Republic of China, but I will go to the Uncle Sam for college study, I am afraid I will not have the privelige in the future.|||Given that it had to be postmarked within 12 days of the inauguration, this was not based on his actions (unless they have a seer... doubtful)

This is political.... He hasn't done anything worthy of a prize yet.

"Prestigious award?" The Nobel Peace prize is basically worth less than the US dollar at this point.

"Nominations for the prize had to be postmarked by February 1, only 12 days after Obama took office. The committee sent out its solicitation for nominations last September, two months before Obama was elected president.

Obama had not been mentioned as among front-runners for the prize " -CNN

"Critical of Bush

The Nobel committee had been critical of the Bush administration. Upon awarding Carter the peace prize in 2002, Gunnar Berge, the Norwegian committee chairman, responded with 'an unconditional yes' when asked if the award was meant to be a rebuke of Bush.

'The selection of Obama is “highly political,' said Nicole Bacharan, associate researcher at the National Foundation of Political Sciences in Paris. The Nobel jury 'chose a symbol over completed actions.' " - Bloomberg|||How did the Nobel committee answer that question?

The main accomplishment (but not the only one):He created a new international climate for fraternity among nations. That was achieved in the year in which the prize was awarded an is the number one criteria as directed by Alfred Nobel, the founder, in his will.

How did he met the criteria established by Alfred Nobel.

He improved American/Muslim relations.

He improved South and North Korean relations?

He improved the US relations with Russia?

He improved the diplomatic relations with Latino America?

He went to Cairo, Turkey, Russia, Africa and Latino America, He Promised to end the Iraqi occupation and define the war in Afghanistan as a war against AlQueda, suggesting that fighting the Taliban was merely a necessary action to get to AlQueda. North and South korean families are being reunited. Cubans in the US can now help their families in Cuba more than before Obama allowed that to happened.

The world knows he must battle evil people that want war and bombing, not only AlQueda but also the military-Industrial complex in the US.

By referring to the Koran as the Holy Koran, only God knows how many potential enemies cease to be and how many American lives he may have saved. For a north Korean woman being able to reunite with her husband in South Korea, that is worth more than a Noble Price

Many others have worked for peace longer, Obama however has the biggest plow.|||Because the people on the Nobel committee or whatever are freaking idiots. They nominated him TWO WEEKS after he was in office. And for what? Who knows? Nothing he's gone public with, that's for sure.

"The exciting and important thing about this prize is that it's given to someone ... who has the power to contribute to peace," Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said.

So basically. . . he hasn't done anything. He just 'has the power' to do something. Well, that's just great. Let's go and award anybody and everybody who 'has the power' to do things. See what this world comes to when liberals take over?|||The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to an individual as recognition for their extraordinary efforts towards promoting peace in the world. A necessary component of peace is hope. I believe that no one has given the world more hope than Barack Obama. He has been such an inspiration to those who are jobless, starving, homeless, and hopeless. He promotes unity and cooperation. Barack Obama is a beacon of hope to the world. From America to China, from Russia to Cuba, from the richest nations to those torn apart by war, to those suffering from a failing economy to those suffering from disease, to those who wish for an end to genocide to those who wish for food on their plate, President Barack Obama is a symbol of light, optimism, and peace.|||Come on! What the heck is the Nobel Peace Prize. Do you know who has won it before? Yaser Arafat, leader of a terrorist group. Adolf Hitler was nominated three times. Henry Kissinger was a peace Nobel prize too despite his complicity to assesinate the president of Chile, Savador Allende, and the following dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Theodore Roosevelt, who didn't believe in peace more that war. And the list could continue. The Nobel Peace has always been contradictable. However, the intentions and speech of Obama had been enough to award it. The commitment he has with the world seems to be really unprecedental and the Prize is just a seal for this commitment.|||Personally. I think that the people running the Nobel Prize are extremely far left. They simply thought it would look good for President Obama to be given the Nobel Peace Prize.

Technically... according to the rules of admittance for that organization he would have only been in office for (I believe it was) twelve days. The award was (supposedly) given to him for his great contributions to helping improve the United State's relationship with the rest of the world.

So... he did that in twelve days?

Again. The reason he was given the Nobel Peace Prize was for purely political reasons.|||There are several reasons why he might have been awarded the Nobel Prize, including the ones given officially and the ones in the background.

First of all, he is the first African-American president and is of special note for that because he is an inspirational figure.

Second, his inspiration has also been a global craze. Especially in Europe, which was overcome by "Obamania" during the first few months of his presidency (and he was chosen only two weeks into his presidency, after all). Note that the Nobel Committee is composed of all Europeans (five Norwegians).

The official reason of the Nobel Committee would be that he has encouraged peaceful cooperation and resolution of conflicts. Of particular interest to the Committee might be his policy toward nations like Iran. His speeches revealed this attitude several times, and that is why the Committee believes he deserves a prize for peace.

However, they also believe he will pull American troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan--which he has not done yet. Thus a motive of the Committee may have had political motivations for awarding the new president the prize. Obama was put into a tight situation (you could tell by the look on his face and tone during his address), because if he accepted it, he knew he did not necessarily deserve it and would be pressured to pull troops out; if he did not, he would reject the decision of a well-known and respected organization.

But this quick decision--indeed, before he really took any important action--may reveal the declining standards of the Nobel Committee. Also, if you take a look at the list of winners this year, not one comes from a non-Western country.

I think it is safe to say that neither conservatives nor liberals in Obama's own country would agree that Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize, at least this early. They were both surprised (at least the former was frustrated).

The other presidents clearly had accomplished significant feats:

Roosevelt resolved an armed conflict between Russia and Japan; Wilson is notable for his League of Nations and pursuit of peace among the former participants of the First World War; and Carter was instrumental in helping Egypt become the first Arab nation to sign an agreement with the state of Israel, thereby recognizing it.|||Although I don't agree with the President winning the Nobel Peace Prize, I can understand why he was awarded it. First of all, his ideas and plans for this country are getting people excited for a change in a positive direction. Second of all, if his healthcare reform passes, it would be the biggest event in government since the New Deal. Also, I believe that the Nobel committee took into consideration the fact that he is America's first black president, sure, but that wasn't the biggest deciding factor. His overseas support from other countries, especially America's allies, is considerable. He has also taken a tone of moving forward and forgiving America's past on foreign relations and extending out an olive branch to countries who have not been in good favor with the United States. Therefore, I can see because of all these reasons why he was awarded the Nobel Prize. My own objections to the President winning the Nobel Prize is that historically the Nobel Peace Prize has gone to people who have already contributed a considerable amount of blood, sweat and tears to forwarding a message of world peace and I think Obama is just too early in his mission to have received the award.|||I think the reasons are:

1. He is a president, and that too of a powerful nation.

2. He has convinced many philosophers with his philosophy of how he intend to bring the "change"..though he hasn't proved it practically. But who cares about being practical when you have a bunch of philosophers to decide about the nominees.

3. The prize committee couldn't find anyone else for the title.

4. Obama's stars are good for year 2009..;-)

5. Prizes are fixed!

6. Prize committees are not researching enough before selecting the nominees.

7. Prize committee wants to boost peace with black people by giving the prize to Obama because he will act like a leader to black people, who will try not to commit crime (this is intended to those who are engaged in crime and not the civilized blacks community). So, this just seems politics and at the same time a sarcastic remark by the prize committee.|||Although he may have been placed on the list of nominees for the prize shortly after his inauguration, the decision was not actually made to give him the prize until recently. This means that his recent accomplishments were a factor in this award. It really isn't that hard to understand.

Only those who are willfully ignorant would suggest that the Nobel prize is meritless. Most of the answers on this page show staggering stupidity. People expect this guy to repair 8 years of economic damage in 10 months? Are you kidding? People are completely ignoring the monumental task this man has set out to accomplish, the difficult steps he has taken, and the horrendous damage done by the previous administration. You know the one that lied to the entire world to start a war to steal oil but was too dumb to actually figure out how to get that oil?

He's attempted to open up talks with Cuba, Iran, and other countries antagonistic to the US, but at the same time influenced other countries to support sanctions against countries that sponsor terrorism. He has attempted to repair the image of the United States, albeit in a very awkward fashion. He has improved US relations with Russia. He has attempted to repair the US economy with a drastic experiment that was largely unpopular. Yet people forget that he would not have needed that experiment if the previous administration had not done such dramatic economic damage!

The president of the US arguably has the most power of any person in the world. The last one abused that power and alienated the United States. Obama has taken a job, knowing it could result in his assassination. He is attempting to re-establish his country's position of prestige and leadership in the world, and also to be a constructive influence in areas of diplomacy. He is also committed to the fight against the Al-Qaeda, despite all of the conspiracy theories being hatched by his political opponents suggesting that he is a closet Muslim fundamentalist.

Although some of the liberal US media was initially supportive of him, that support waned when they realized he was not a puppet they could control. I have never seen such disrespect leveled at the President of the United States in my entire life. I believe people here are disrespecting Obama simply because he is black. The truth is that the majority of white Americans are terrified of becoming minorities themselves because they do not want to be treated as they have treated minorities.

Anyone willing to do even cursory research can quickly see that he has done a LOT in his short time as president. Most of the people posting here have not even bothered to look at what he has done because they already have their minds made up.|||Barack Obama won the Nobel Prize because of his message more than his actions.

Many people so far have made the excuse that he won it because he's black, but I completely disagree and think that excuse is a pile of garbage. Barack Obama won the Nobel Prize because his presence is one that is supposed to signify for hope and more peace talks for the future, and in his first 100 days, he's done more to promote peace and try to get the United States in a better direction than the previous president and his administration.

I don't expect him to do a whole lot in the first year, but he and his administration already have made some better moves to try and get the United States doing better, and that includes seeking out higher executives who are trying to bail themselves out of financial responsibility, advocate for a better Health Care system, and push for peace talks with Russia. He also is moving away from Iraq, which was a place that the United States should've never went to in the first place.|||If you read about the other candidates who were up for winning the prize, it's sickening to see that Obama has won it. All of the other candidates have actually DONE things to help improve the world, and improve certain situations that not only affect their culture, but the entire world. Give the article in my source a read and then tell me that Obama deserves to win the prize over any of the other candidates. He shouldn't have even been nominated.|||Because the Nobel Peace Prize is completely and utterly meaningless. Obama hasn't done anything, he has two wars going on, plus the bailouts of mega corporations, plus he won't go ahead with a universal healthcare plan and is instead cowtowing to these right wing extremists who think he is the next Hitler and also a socialist and a terrorist muslim and gosh knows what else. They gave the award too him because he is popular and political, they would give the award to someone like Britney Spears or some other pop star but unfortunately they aren't also political so the Nobel committee won't choose them. But Barack "Timberlake" Obama is a perfect choice he said the words hope and change and people bought it just like they bought Bush's war against afghanistan and some of the other Bush policies.

If Obama think he didn't deserve the award and he had a shred of integrity, which he clearly does not, he would have said I cannot accept this award and handed it right back.|||Ok, First lets start with how you can achieve a nobel peace prize. According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize is to go to whoever "shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses". The prize includes a medal, a personal diploma, and a large sum of prize money (currently 10 million Swedish crowns). Ok who could possibly have done that besides a president or famous politically figure. President Obama has done exactly that. At this era he is the most popular politician world-round. The nobel peace prize has gone to mostly politicians or people with power able to do that. I don't see a name bigger than Obama right now with power to do those actions. Last year there wasn't much controversy about who won the nobel peace prize or other years before. Just to show how big his name is and how people are on his back with everything involving him.

Peace and Love

-Beeko|||Your question naturally raises pros (for) and cons (against).

I would see it from a positive viewpoint.

The Nobel Peace Prize was given for Obama's growing support for peace efforts from USA to middle east and impacting the world. Obama is also has a special mission in a unique cultural and geographical scenarios. He is the first black, a highly educated lawyer in his own right, developed to hold Senator role, pushing for revolutionary reforms even including health issues. Obama is a practical man and not necessarily diplomatic in approaches (at times)

Having said that, the award can be a two edge sword, first to remind him to stay on-course, second it can backfire if he loses his vision. This time, it is us to believe in him and giving ourselves a chance to believe in reformation for peace and mutual development.

Life has to go on. This time, a black Peace Maker with (shall I say) a mission possible for peace. Obama will give you and us some surprises. His body language also shows commitment, humility, firmness and politeness. If anyone of his policy makers (so happen) reading this comments, please tell Obama, the world is in need of courageous and righteous leaders who could lead us out of the 'wilderness' and settle down in the promised land of peace (with or without awards).|||When Martin Luther King Jr. won the heart of the American People, when he fought against civil injustice in our country, he did so without lifting a single finger in violence. He fought against the greatest evil conceived on Earth, evil, racism, and he did so without killing a single person. He did so with just talking (albeit rather loudly at times).

When the Dalai Lama went into exile, he did so without any violence, without lifting a single finger or "accomplishing" anything considered to be a popular re-course to the violent action of the occupying power of his rightful land in Tibet. These are just two examples of men awarded this prestigious award that did what they did without actually doing anything.

Where it can be said that this award was given early in his career, it can also be said that President Barack Obama deserved this award with no more than the simple reason that he symbolizes everything the award stands for, and Peace is only one of those things.|||- The prize is awarded to encourage those who receive it to see the effort through, sometimes at critical moments, not only to recognise efforts for peace, human rights and democracy after they have proven successful.

-Obama is widely seen around the world as an inspirational figure.

-Obama has been widely credited with improving America's global image after the eight-year presidency of George W Bush, who alienated both friends and foes with go-it-alone policies like the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq.

-The Norwegian Nobel Committee praised Obama for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," citing his fledgling push for nuclear disarmament and his outreach to the Muslim world.

There are too many outrageously US-centric, egoistic Americans in America - something the rest of the world can see quite plainly - Obama is not one of them. America is just one country, but a lot of Americans think America is the be all and end all, which is simply not the case. Obama is, by contrast, a man of the world, not just the US.|||The committee that nominates who will be elected to receive the Peace Prize is: "According to Alfred Nobel's will, the prize to champions of peace is to be awarded by a committee "of five persons, to be elected by the Norwegian Storting". The rules subsequently adopted by the Storting for this election state that the members of the Committee are elected for terms of six years, and can be re-elected. As far as possible, the composition of the Committee is to reflect the relative strengths of the political parties in the Storting. The Committee chooses its own chairman and deputy chairman. The Director of the Nobel Institute serves as the Committee's secretary."

This is from the Nobel Peace Prize site.

Obama's election as PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES was a remarkable occassion and I think that Obama and the American people who elected him should be very proud that we were recognized for this effort. OBAMA HAS MADE HISTORY FOREVER. MAY HIS EXTENDED FAMILY BE FOREVER PROUD.|||    I think Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize ("the world's most prestigious prize") for the very reasons as stated by the Norwegian Nobel Committee appointed by the Norwegian Storting: "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples", in accordance to Nobel's will: The Peace Prize is to go to "the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."


    "Geir Lundestad, director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, told "Good Morning America" the decision to pick Obama was unanimous.

    "President Obama has changed very dramatically international politics," Lundestad told "GMA's" Diane Sawyer today. "We feel he has emphasized multilateral diplomacy, he has addressed international institutions, dialogue negotiations. He has inspired the world with his vision of a world without nuclear arms. He has changed the U.S. policy dramatically. There's a whole list."

    "Lundestad admitted that the committee knew the world would be surprised by the decision and was aware that the president faces many major decisions ahead in Afghanistan, but added that the committee has made its choice and Obama has "nothing to fear.""

    "We knew the world would be positive, surprised and some would be stunned," Lundestad said. "We have discussed the situation in Afghanistan. We understand the foreign policy of the United States has to be a very complex one with many different considerations. But we point particularly to the overall approach."

    "The five-member Nobel Peace Prize committee, in announcing its decision, lauded the president for his work on climate change and international diplomacy."

    "Only very rarely has a person, to the same extent as Obama, captured the world's attention and given his people hope for a better future," the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Thorbjorn Jagland, said in a statement."

    "His diplomacy is founded in the concept of those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitude that are shared by the majority of the world's population. For 108 years the Nobel Committee has sought precisely the international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The committee endorses Obama's appeal that now is the time for all of us to take a share of responsibility for a global response for global challenges," the statement said."

    "In an ABC News/Washington Post poll, 57 percent of Americans approved of Obama's handling of international affairs, the Nobel committee's main concern."

    "International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei said he could not think of anyone more deserving of the honor.

    "In less than a year in office, he has transformed the way we look at ourselves and the world we live in, and rekindled hope for a world at peace with itself," ElBaradei said in a statement. "President Obama has brought a new vision of a world based on human decency, fairness and freedom, which is an inspiration to us all.""

    "German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has met with Obama several times to discuss troops in Afghanistan, congratulated the president, calling the award "an incentive to the president and to all of us" to do more for peace.

    "His advocacy for a nuclear-free world is a goal that we should all set for ourselves," Merkel said on a German TV station. "In a short amount of time, he has set a new tone for the rest of the world, bringing a willingness to negotiate and a readiness for dialogue and we should all support him in his efforts towards a world free of nuclear weapons.""

    "Israel's President Shimon Peres perhaps offered the most gleaming praises for Obama.

    "Very few leaders if at all were able to change the mood of the entire world in such a short while with such profound impact," Peres said in a congratulatory letter to Obama. "Under your leadership peace became a real and original agenda. And from Jerusalem, I am sure all the bells of engagement and understanding will ring again.""

    I believe he deserves it, because the world wants to believe, and President Barack Obama gives us hope.





 |||President Barack Obama won this prestigious

award on his own merit. He spoke to the world

in many of his trips to foreign countries about

the seriousness and need for peace among nations not only with America but also

neighbouring countries in the middle east, and not only is it the responsibility of others to do their part! but for every individual nation to do

it's own work to achieve this. He is the messenger and can only lead the way for peace

but if feuding nations don't start doing what is

necessary to help in the transformation then no

one can be held accountable but themselves.

He has a mission ahead of him for peace

not war and he knows his obligations first to the

American people, then the rest of the world.

The Nobel Peace Prize could not have been

awarded to a better human being, who from the

very beginning showed his ability to lead this

nation out of darkness in very many ways.

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