Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Have any Scientologists won a Nobel prize or equivalent?

I remember reading some Scientology publicity that man uses only 10% of his brain power and that Scientology can increase your IQ. I wondered therefore if there are any Scientologist who are famous say Nobel prize winning scientists or mathematicians who won the Field medal. If not then who is the most academically respected Scientologist?|||Paul Haggis, director, Academy Award winner

An Academy Award is at least as important as a Nobel prize in science. Here's a list of 'famous' scientologists:


Interestingly enough, none of them is an actual scientist.


EDIT: Sorry, but even the 10% brain power quote is false:

http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/te鈥?/a>|||No, and hopefully never will.

That would be the equivalent of Ray Comfort winning won.

The only thing true is that only 10% of brain power is used.|||ROFL. Scientology can increase brain usage? Bullshit.|||Scientologists are too busy being insane and trying to act against science to bother winning science prizes.|||They shift you from using 10% of the good side to using 15% of the useless side.|||Nah, claims like this are how they lure gullible people into joining the cult. They claim they can help you reach your full potential...it's just marketing tactics.|||YA is proof that it is possible to use way less than 10%.|||No Scientologist has one such a prize. To be fair, however, the number of Scientologists in the world is probably under 100,000 people. Odds are not in their favor to win such a prestigious award.

Even if Scientology can increase IQ, that doesn't suddenly make them the smartest people on the planet. That's like someone telling me they can help me get taller and then be shocked that I don't break height records.|||I believe that Tom Cruise is the intellectual example of scientology, which does prove your point.|||"Have any Scientologists won a Nobel prize or equivalent?"

No... and nor have there been any creation 'scientists' who've won anything.

I wonder why.



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