Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Is Obama trying to set a record for cruise missiles fired by a Nobel peace prize winner?

All jokes aside are there any other Nobel peace prize winners that have been involved in wars in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen. And those are the ones we know about. Has the prize lost some credibility from his actions?|||It has for me, the peace prize means nothing

why he won it in the first place is a mystery to me|||Going to war brings him no glory, people on both sides of the political spectrum are mad. So I have to give him credit for doing the right thing, when it is not exactly the right thing for him.|||Oh c'mon...Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Barack Obama.......the prize holds little meaning.|||yes|||Dude, you are out of line! Obama is "creating jobs" by spending billions! Don't you get it? The more money government spends, the better off we will be! Sheesh.

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